
María Monfort luce un TRIZTRIZ en Hola print y digital: Agosto 2024

María Monfort luce un TRIZTRIZ en Hola print y ...

En el reportaje de Carmen Matutes y sus hijas Lydia y María Monfort, aparece la hija primogénita con un choker TRIZTRIZ.

María Monfort luce un TRIZTRIZ en Hola print y ...

En el reportaje de Carmen Matutes y sus hijas Lydia y María Monfort, aparece la hija primogénita con un choker TRIZTRIZ.

Se llama TRIZTRIZ y es la firma artesanal de accesorios con flores para invitadas más chic

It is called TRIZTRIZ and it is the most chic h...

The EcoLover website, specialized in sustainable fashion, mentions our brand in its list of the best artisanal fashion brands for guests. The article highlights our range of accessories and guest...

It is called TRIZTRIZ and it is the most chic h...

The EcoLover website, specialized in sustainable fashion, mentions our brand in its list of the best artisanal fashion brands for guests. The article highlights our range of accessories and guest...

Aire Boho para Hola Fashion: Junio 2024

Boho Air for Hola Fashion: June 2024

For the June 2024 edition of Hola Fashion, they counted on us for this magnificent bazaar dedicated to guests with a more boho touch.

Boho Air for Hola Fashion: June 2024

For the June 2024 edition of Hola Fashion, they counted on us for this magnificent bazaar dedicated to guests with a more boho touch.

triztriz prensa el mundo

The floral headdress brand with a history that ...

Journalist Virginia Gómez mentions our brand in El Mundo as part of the new wave of designers who are conquering Madrid with their focus on sustainability and craftsmanship. In this...

The floral headdress brand with a history that ...

Journalist Virginia Gómez mentions our brand in El Mundo as part of the new wave of designers who are conquering Madrid with their focus on sustainability and craftsmanship. In this...

Hola Novias print, Primavera-Verano 2024

Hello Print Brides, Spring-Summer 2024

For this paper edition of Hola Novias, we were included in 3 wonderful bazaars to create bride and guest looks.

Hello Print Brides, Spring-Summer 2024

For this paper edition of Hola Novias, we were included in 3 wonderful bazaars to create bride and guest looks.

Esta es la firma que crea los complementos con flores que desearás lucir: hablamos con sus fundadoras

This is the brand that creates the floral acces...

In El Español, journalist Sophie Fernández includes us in her article about firms that are revolutionizing the world of accessories with the use of natural flowers. This piece highlights how...

This is the brand that creates the floral acces...

In El Español, journalist Sophie Fernández includes us in her article about firms that are revolutionizing the world of accessories with the use of natural flowers. This piece highlights how...